

Sponsored by the Dan and Gloria Bohan Foundation


About the Award

The Entrepreneur of the Year Award was established in 2015 by the Dan and Gloria Bohan Foundation to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in the travel and hospitality industry through recognition of innovators who have either established their own businesses or who have been responsible for significant entrepreneurial initiatives within an existing organization. Each year, the Foundation, in conjunction with ASTA staff and membership, selects one person or organization that best exemplifies this spirit of entrepreneurship to receive the Award and a $10,000 cash prize.

Award winner is 2024



All travel advisors, agency managers, suppliers, and others in the travel and hospitality industry are eligible to receive the Award.

Evaluation Criteria

Nominees for the Award will be evaluated based on consideration of eight benchmarks demonstrating various aspects of the successful candidate’s innovative and entrepreneurial approach to the business and its future. The benchmarks, in no particular order, are as follows:

  1. Continuity.  How many years has the nominee been active in the travel industry? How many consumers or companies use the nominee’s innovative product or service?
  2.  Evolution.  How has the nominee or the nominee’s company adapted to change in the industry or market, and to changes in technology? Why was this important and how was it accomplished? What steps are taken to ensure that the product or service remains relevant?
  3. Experiential Travel.  Does the nominee’s product or service have an experiential fit, focus or component connecting the experience to history, people or culture? Describe and explain its importance in today’s world and for the future of travel.
  4. Proven Impact.  How has the product or service already had a demonstrable impact on travelers and the industry as a whole? Why will the innovation continue to impact travelers in the future?
  5. Curation. Does the nominee envision himself or herself as a travel curator, one who makes travel more meaningful for the traveler? If so, please tell us and explain why this is important to the nominee. 
  6. Marketing.  Describe how the nominee markets or merchandises its company and its products or services. How does the nominee differentiate itself from others in the industry? Has social media factored into the marketing focus?
  7. Growth.  Has the innovation had a positive impact on the company’s sales, profitability, or market share?  Has the product or service spawned imitators? 
  8. Technology.  Describe the technology behind the product or service. For example, does the solution include the use of mobile apps or similar recent innovations? How has product usability been a factor? 

Entry Period

Entries will be accepted online beginning on February 3, 2025, and ending on March 14, 2025.  

Required Submission

Persons or organizations that wish to be considered for the Award must submit all of the following:

  • The completed online application setting forth the nominee’s name and/or company name and contact information; 
  • A narrative statement, not to exceed 500 words, describing the nominee’s contribution to entrepreneurship in the industry and illustrating it relates to the benchmarks described above;
  • A video, of no more than five minutes in length, which describes and/or demonstrates the innovative product or service and its value when viewed in light of the benchmarks. The video must be uploaded to a file sharing site, such as YouTube, Vimeo or DropBox (send us the link); 
  • Certification that, if selected as one of five semi-finalists, the nominee grants ASTA permission to post the nominee’s submission video and narrative statement on a members-only ASTA webpage; and 
  • Further certification that, if selected as one of the three finalists, the nominee will attend the award session at the the ASTA Travel Advisor Conference (TAC) in Salt Lake City, UT on May 20-22, 2025 (date and time TBD), during which the videos will be shown and the winner announced and recognized. 

Selection of Semi-Finalists

A Selection Committee comprised of seasoned travel industry professionals jointly chosen by ASTA and the Foundation will review each complete submission that is received on or before the entry deadline stated below. Applying the stated evaluation criteria, each committee member will then rank the submissions in order from highest to lowest. Entrants receiving one of the five highest aggregate scores will be named as semi-finalists. In connection with the next stage of the competition, the videos and narrative statements of the five semi-finalists will be posted on a members-only ASTA webpage for viewing by ASTA members.  

2022 winner

Selection of Finalists

Each of the five semi-finalists will be included in a poll posted on a members-only ASTA webpage. After reviewing each nominee’s video and narrative statement, members will have an opportunity to cast their vote for the candidate that they believe best exemplifies the spirit of entrepreneurship in travel. The poll will open at 9:00 a.m. EST on March 24 and close at 5:00 p.m. EST on March 28. 

The candidates receiving the highest, second highest, and third highest number of votes from among the voting ASTA members will be designated as finalists and will be invited to attend the award session at TAC where the winner of the $10,000 prize will be announced. 

Selection of the Winner and Announcement

Prior to TAC, the Selection Committee will reconvene to review the submissions of the three finalists to consider the strengths, weaknesses, and other aspects of each innovation or concept, and determine which one, on balance, is most worthy of being judged the year’s best representation of entrepreneurship in the industry. At the TAC award session, each finalist will have his or her five-minute video submission shown in its entirety to the audience, after which the winner will be announced and welcomed onstage to accept the award from ASTA and Foundation representatives. 

After the Award

Within twelve months of the award presentation at TAC, each of the three finalists, including the winner, will be expected to update ASTA and/or the Foundation concerning the progress of their business venture and how the exposure gained by participating in the Entrepreneur of the Year competition has positively impacted it. Feedback can be shared through testimonials, videos, or any performance metrics the finalist wishes to share. 

Entry Deadline

Applications must be received by ASTA no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on March 14, 2025. Incomplete applications, or applications received after the stated deadline, will not receive consideration. 

Click the button below to access the online nomination submission form.  

Nomination Submission Form

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